Tabling Event Criteria


The purpose of a library-sponsored tabling event is to enhance or complement the library’s collections to help meet the educational or informational needs of the community.

Tabling opportunities are selected based on:

  • Partnership with the library in providing essential services
  • Providing opportunities for lifelong learning and enrichment
  • Expand the visibility of the library and its role as a community resource
  • Attracting people to the library to connect to the community
  • Introduce customers or non-users of all ages to library collections and services
  • Promote early childhood/adult literacy and reading

Selection of Tabling Proposals

The Library Events Steering Committee oversees tabling selection and development. Tabling at the library may be a one-time event or ongoing, based on the availability of locations. The Committee reviews proposals and selects topics and formats based on the interests and needs of the community.

The following guidelines are used in making decisions about topics, representatives, and accompanying resources the library chooses to host.

  • The quality, background, education, qualifications, and content expertise of the presenter are relevant to the proposed event/service
  • Priority given to Orange County Government Services
  • Relation to library collections, resources, exhibits
  • Relevance to community interest and issues
  • Historical or educational significance
  • Connection to other community programs, exhibitions or events
  • Conflict with other events/services already offered within the library system or events in close proximity to locations
  • Availability of space and staffing

Tabling events may not be used for commercial purposes or the solicitation of a business or for profit organization. No organization or individual may conduct financial transactions on library premises or perform fee-based services, including tutoring.

Tabling Logistics

  • The library reserves the right to immediately terminate an event in progress if it disturbs regular library operations.
  • A limited number of chairs and tables are available.
  • Organizations may use stand-alone signs that do not impede library walkways or operations.
  • Organizations are responsible for Setup/Breakdown.
  • Materials may not be affixed to the walls, ceilings, doors, or windows.
  • Prepackage light snacks and non-alcoholic beverages may be permitted with approval from library.
  • Literature may be distributed only to people attending the tabling event and to customers who specifically request said literature.
  • Tabling events and breakdown must conclude 30 minutes prior to the library closing.
  • Permission to table does not constitute an endorsement by the library.
  • The library’s address and phone number cannot be used on promotional materials for the purposes of contact information.
  • No group shall state or suggest in any of its publicity that the library sponsors or endorses the group, or any particular set of ideas.

Anyone interested in presenting an event in partnership with the library is asked to fill out the Present an Event form.

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